Sunday, 10 July 2011

Day 3- Embryo transfer day!

Back at home, with the 'back to work blues'.
Left Mumbai yesterday lunchtime. Left slightly earlier in fear of the floods that had occurred on the Friday and stopped me from visiting Powai where I wanted to check out another flat, and also finalising my shopping (!). However, roads were fine. We had a complimentary transfer back to the airport so waved at our drivers as we left, bye bye to Rajan, Abdul, Poshaiya and Henry.. we will miss you!
Didnt get to say goodbye to my favourite concierges Praful and Diego either! Hopefully we will be back next year!!

We got to Mumbai international and check in went smoothly. I nervously checked my emails in case Sakshi had mailed the day 2 results- she had! Oh my, we had now got 10 embryos! 6 grade A and 4 grade B. She explained that 2 embryos didnt have 2 pronuclei which is the appearance of a fertilised egg, as they had already moved onto the first cell division stage! So we had 10 out of 10 fertilised! Despite diarrhea and febrile illnesses and a terrible diet, our gametes did good!!

But we can't get too excited as previous cycles produce excellent embryos but then we dont get off the starting blocks. : (

So this morning, I woke up (early, jet lagged) to a mail from Sakshi with our IVF summary and pics of the 4 embies they transferred to GMS, who was doing fine. They put 2 grade A and 2 grade B's in. We got to freeze 4 grade As and 2 grade C's (2 grade B's went bit downhill.. ). Am glad there is enough for a frozen cycle (hopefully sibling!!! purlease....)

Now we are in the 2 week wait and PUPO (pregnant till proven otherwise).. this is the worst! Am keeping everything crossed and sending lots of prayers that its our turn this time.

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